6.5 Million People Are Internally Displaced In Ukraine

Almost 6.5 Million People Are Internally Displaced in Ukraine

As a direct result of the war, according to a study by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted several weeks ago, almost 6.5 million people are internally displaced in Ukraine.

By now that number may be even higher! Many of those displaced are particularly vulnerable, pregnant and breastfeeding women, elderly persons, those with disabilities, chronic illnesses and people directly affected by violence.

Over 53 per cent of internally displaced people are women. According to the survey, the most pressing needs include medicines, health services and financial resources.

These people are among the nearly 10 million that have been forcibly displaced both in Ukraine and beyond the country’s borders in neighbouring countries.

People displaced within the country’s borders need urgent humanitarian assistance amidst the worsening situation in Ukraine, a cessation of hostilities and the creation of humanitarian corridors to allow civilians to escape to safety.

“The scale of human suffering and forced displacement due to the war far exceeds any worst-case scenario planning,” says IOM Director General António Vitorino.

(This above is an excerpt from a report I have been reading)

A few days ago my wife (Maria) was talking with a local firefighter that had just returned from Ukraine having been a part of an aid convoy. He told her that after what he saw on the ground, he believes the humanitarian situation is much worse than what the news channels are showing. This was quite disheartening because what we are seeing on our news seems to be quite bad.

This reconfirmed to us of the importance of helping to get aid into the country and helping these people where they are. God has positioned us far enough away to observe this but also close enough to act and be able to transport much needed goods into the country.

God has given us a connection that works within Christian communities helping to provide for their needs. Just this morning we were able to send $2,000 to them, enabling them to buy much needed medicines for people living in the area of Irpin and Chernobyl. We now are working to prepare a transport that will be sent within the next few weeks.

There is plenty of food and medicines here for us to purchase. But we are working with limited resources caring also for the needs of the work that we are doing here in Romania!

We are asking for donations from our community here, and they are giving to their ability. Many are helping refugees with no help from the government, while dealing with rising gas, utilities and food prices and cannot do more.

If you are looking to help the Ukrainian people in this crisis that is unfolding before our very eyes, this would be a wonderful opportunity. Every cash donation will enable us to be able to buy these supplies and get them to where they are needed.

We are continuing to help refugees that are in transit to Western European countries and are also looking to have three families of refugees come to stay with us at Casa Ezra for a longer length of time.

Would you please consider helping us? 100% of your donations designated for helping Ukraine will be used for that purpose!

You can either give to help care for refugees or for the purchase of medicines, aid and transport, by writing it on your check or specifying this on the online giving.

Thank you so much for being a part of what God is doing in this area of the world! Please pray that this war will end soon!

May the Lord Bless You!

Daniel H. Hurrelbrink
Executive Director

We would like to mention that the main activity of our ministry is to help people in need, regardless of nation and of our projects that we have been working towards, for the good of the Romanian people are ongoing in parallel with this campaign to help Ukrainians.


For financial contributions:
Please make checks payable to “Barnabas Ministries”.
Attach a note stating for "Ukrainian Refugees" and mail to this address:

Barnabas Ministries Inc.
P.O. Box 23
Emlenton, PA 16373

You can also give online via pay-pal by clicking on the Donate button above.

At the end of the year, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for your giving!