Community Center/ After-School Project


Even now, 30 years after the revolution that overthrew communism…

many Romanians are struggling. It is clear that the Romanian government is not caring for the good of its people and rampant corruption affects every area of society. Over the years, Barnabas Ministries has been a light in the darkness and we are needed now more than ever!

The next few years will be important years as we build a Community Center and Church that will impact this area for generations to come.

Over the last few years we have purchased land for this project upon which are several existing buildings in much needed repair.

Our first project would be to renovate and extend, one of the existing buildings to use as an afterschool program. This would help 20-25 needy kids and is our most critical need.

We would like to see this finished by 2022.

Fundraising Thermometer - CouponBirds Seedling ProjectFundraising Thermometer - CouponBirds Seedling Project